Friday, September 26, 2014

End Of An Era, Ends In Hollywood ending for Mr. Derek Jeter

On a Thursday night of September 25th, 2014, Derek Jeter plays his final game at Yankee Stadium, of course we all knew this beforehand as it was much anticipated for the entire season long, but it wasn't until the actual day arrived in which New York Yankee fans and Baseball fans around the world knew the end was near. This game had everything it needed to give you a reason to watch this game, the drama, the hype, the anticipation, even the weather was almost a factor as before the game began there was talks of possible rain showers coming in to affect this game - that didn't happen of course. What's important to me about this game is the fact that it meant absolutely nothing, and me being a diehard Yankee win, going by the motto of always winning first, (winning championships), I completely forgot about the disappointment that came with the Yankees playing their final game at home this year knowing that they weren't playing for anything, because they were eliminated from making the playoffs. To me that was the most noteworthy aspect to take into consideration about this game, especially because we're so accustomed to always talking about the New York Yankees when it comes to October baseball. Yet for one day it all felt like there was something bigger to talk about, and that is Derek Jeter. Perhaps Derek Jeter IS baseball, and he IS the New York Yankees, because not only did his presence alone make this game special in his final game, but his entire career came to life in this baseball game and it kind of summed up everything about why he is so great.

First off, Jeter is a winner, we all know that, he loves winning, he works hard to win, and he always wins! So it came as no surprise to me that the stadium would not have an empty seat, and that it would feel like a playoff atmosphere in the Bronx, that's why for one night, and one night only, the final game of the Yankees regular season, felt like a playoff game, it wasn't just because it was Jeter's final game, but it was because we all know that Jeter wasn't going to just play his final game without doing something Historic, without creating another memory, another moment, Jeter played this game as if it were a championship game, and if we knew Jeter we know he's a hard worker, he's a perfectionist, he's going to play every game with heart. Everyone came to see Jeter play his last game not just to be there, but to see him once again succeed in big moments. Jeter playing his final game at Yankee stadium, to me, was our playoff game of the entire year, we needed to win, and it was important to him, and for the team, to win this game, and go out on a positive note. Although an era ended last night with Derek Jeter in New York, he made sure that the future for this New York Yankees organization is bright, with good things to come, he didn't let us down, giving us reason to believe once again, and its in Derek Jeter's DNA to make sure he never let us down, hence why last night was just another one of Derek Jeter's moments in his career. He thrives in the spotlight, thrives in big time moments. And last night, although it wasn't a Homerun to win the game, or a grandslam, it didn't need to be any of those 2 things for Derek Jeter, because the beauty of it is how natural it was, and what Jeter was mostly known for and being credited for was naturally making contact with the ball, and simply hitting....and that's what he did to win the game, something he has always been good at. As I was watching every Jeter at bat, I had chills, I was emotional and energetic through the inside, I was into it! Expecting Jeter to amaze me, I made sure I took every moment in, and feelt it because it's once in a lifetime experience.

People can call him overrated, over-hyped, too valued, whatever, but the fact is, he is a legend, and he is a true captain. I don't care if he wasn't the best, or if he wasn't the most talented, what made Derek Jeter great and legendary was getting the job done when it counted the most, was winning, was having heart for the game of baseball, was hard work and dedication, and most importantly, being a class act both on and off the field. And that is something that can't be overrated, period. This game had all different emotions, we were sad yet happy at the same time, we anticipated something big to happen but we also knew not to get excited because this is not a dream or a fantasy, but we also knew not to count out the fact that Derek Jeter always delivers, everything was running through everyone's minds on this night, and that's what made this game so great. The Jeter moments, the excitement, the ups and downs in the game, the ability to have been able to forget about the future and how another Yankee legend (and the last one) is gone, and just focus on the present. If there's anything Derek Jeter did last night, it was not only win a game, but it was also have us connect with him both mentally and spiritually, for once we related with Derek Jeter because that's exactly what he's best at, is focusing and having concentration, always believing, always being confident, but also feeling old. And let's face it, we all felt old when it hit us that Derek Jeter is finally retiring, and he played his last game at Yankee stadium, so while Jeter felt old, we felt old with him. But as we all grew up watching him play baseball and always give us moments, we, along with him, felt just as young again when he reminded us of his young days, and our young days, watching him play baseball at a high level with success. THANK YOU JETER.


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